Yvan Pointurier

Yvan Pointurier (IPA)
Yvan Pointurier (Cyrillic/Russian) Yvan Pointurier (Cyrillic/Serb)

Yvan Pointurier (Greek) 
Yvan Pointurier (Japanese/Katakana)
Yvan Pointurier (Mandarin) 
Yvan Pointurier (Hindi)
Yvan Pointurier (Persian)


Direct links: Awards | Students and jury duties | Projects | Service | Publications | Co-authors | Genealogy

I lead the AI for Optical Networking team at Huawei Technologies, which I joined in January 2020. Before that, I was the Dynamic optical networking and switching Department Head at Bell Labs (Nokia, formerly Alcatel-Lucent) near Paris (since November 2009).

Until September 2009 I was with Athens Information Technology (AIT), where I was technical leader on behalf of AIT of the project DICONET, partially funded by the European commission. In addition to a managerial role, I lead research about routing and wavelength assignment and monitoring in transparent optical networks.

Until August 2008, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University. I worked on various projects, including transparent optical networks, monitoring for IP and transparent optical networks, compressed sensing, machine learning applied to routing and wavelength assignment and TCP traffic classification, car parking assisted by GPS and smartphones.

I gained a Ph.D. in August 2006 under the supervision of Pr. Maïté Brandt-Pearce in the Optical Multiuser Communications group in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Virginia (UVa), where I worked on physical layer impairment modeling in optical fibers, routing and wavelength assignment, and cross-layer optical network modeling. I used to work for the Multimedia Networks Group in the Computer Science department at UVa where I gained a MS in Computer Science in August 2002 about resiliency in MPLS multicast networks. I also hold an engineering degree (Diplôme d'Ingénieur) from Ecole Centrale de Lille, France.

My Erdös number is 3 or less:

  1. S. Zaks: Minimum-Diameter Cyclic Arrangements in Mapping DataFlow Graphs onto VLSI Arrays, Theory of Computing Systems / Mathematical Systems Theory, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 85-98, 1988 (P. Erdös, I. Koren, S. Moran, G. M. Silberman, S. Zaks);
  2. C.V. Saradhi: Practical and deployment issues to be considered in regenerator placement and operation of translucent optical networks, Proc. ICTON 2010 (C.V. Saradhi, S. Zaks, R. Fedrizzi, A. Zanardi, E. Salvadori);
  3. Y. Pointurier: Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Network Planning and Operation Tool for Transparent/Translucent Optical Networks, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 439-448, 2011 (S. Azodolmolky, J. Perellò, M. Angelou, F. Agraz, L. Velasco, S. Spadaro, Y. Pointurier, A. Francescon, C.V. Saradhi, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos, S. Al Zahr, M. Gagnaire, M. Gunkel, D. Klonidis, I. Tomkos).

Awards and recognition

Students and Ph.D. duties


Service to the community



[36]X. Yang, C. Sun, G. Charlet, M. Tornatore, Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Digital-Twin-Based Active Inputs Refinement for Insertion Loss Estimation and QoT optimization in C and C+L Networks", IEEE/Optica Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2024.
[35]O. Karandin, F. Musumeci, G. Charlet, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatorePDF format BibTeX entry 
"Zero-Cost Upgrade to Multi-Fiber Network with Partial-Lane-Change Capabilities", IEEE/Optica Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, 2024.
[34]O. Karandin, A. Ferrari, F. Musumeci, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatorePDF format BibTeX entry 
"Probabilistic Low-Margin Optical-Network Design with Multiple Physical-Layer Parameter Uncertainties", IEEE/Optica Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Aug. 2023.
[33]X. Yang, A. Ferrari, D. Le Gac, G. Charlet, M. Tornatore and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Experimental Impact of Power Re-Optimization in a Mesh Network", IEEE/Optica Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Jul. 2023.
[32]N. Morette, H. Haferman, Y. Frignac and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Machine learning enhancement of a digital twin for WDM network performance prediction leveraging Quality of Transmission parameter refinement", IEEE/Optica Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Jun. 2023.
[31]E. Seve, J. Pesic and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Associating Machine-Learning and Analytical Models for QoT Estimation: Combining the Best of Both Worlds", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Jun. 2021.
[30]Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Machine Learning Techniques for Quality of Transmission Estimation in Optical Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Apr. 2021.
[29]M. Szczerban Gonzalez, N. Benzaoui, J.M. Estarán, H. Mardoyan, A. Ouslimani, A.-E. Kasbari, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Real-time Control and Management Plane for Edge-Cloud Deterministic and Dynamic Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Nov. 2020.
[28]N. Benzaoui, M. Szczerban Gonzalez, M. V. Rivera, J.M. Estarán, H. Mardoyan, W. Lautenschlaeger, U. Gebhard, L. Dembeck, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Deterministic Dynamic Networks (DDN)", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Jul. 2019.
[27]P. Sehier, P. Chanclou, N. Benzaoui, D. Chen, K. Kettunen, M. Lemke, Y. Pointurier and P. DomPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Transport Evolution for the Radio Access Network (RAN) of the Future", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, April 2019.
Invited and peer-reviewed.
[26]E. Seve, J. Pesic, C. Delezoide, A. Giorgetti, A. Sgambelluri, N. Sambo, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Automated fiber type identification in SDN-enabled optical networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, April 2019.
Invited and peer-reviewed.
[25]Y. Pointurier, N. Benzaoui, W. Lautenschlaeger and L. DembeckPDF format BibTeX entry 
"End-to-end time sensitive optical networking: challenges and solutions", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, April 2019.
Invited and peer-reviewed.
[24]N. Benzaoui, J.M. Estarán, E. Dutisseuil, H. Mardoyan, G. de Valicourt, A. Dupas, Q. Pham Van, D. Verchere, B. Ušćumlić, M. Szczerban Gonzalez, P. Dong, Y.-K. Chen, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Cloud-BOSS Intra-Data Center Network: on-demand QoS guarantees via μs Optical Slot Switching", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, July 2018.
[23]E. Seve, J. Pesic, C. Delezoide and Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Learning process for reducing uncertainties on network parameters and design margins", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, February 2018.
Invited and peer-reviewed.
[22]W. Lautenschlaeger, N. Benzaoui, F. Buchali, L. Dembeck, R. Dischler, B. Franz, U. Gebhard, J. Milbrandt, Y. Pointurier, D. Roesener, L. Schmalen and A. LevenPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Optical Ethernet - Flexible Optical Metro Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, June 2017.
[21]Y. PointurierPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Design of low-margin optical networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, January 2017.
Invited and peer-reviewed.
[20]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, T. Bonald, B. Ušćumlić, Q. Wei and S. BigoPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Transport mechanisms for mobility support in optical slot switching-based next-generation mobile backhaul networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, April 2016.
[19]G. de Valicourt, Y. Pointurier, M.A. Mestre, S. Bigo, J.-M. Fédéli, K. Ribaud, L. Bramerie, E. Borgne, J.-C. Simon, L. Vivien, D. Marris-Morini, A. Shen, I. Ghorbel, G.-H. Duan, S. Chandrasekhar, C.-M. Chang, S. Randel and Y.-K. ChenPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Monolithic integrated slot-blocker for high datarate coherent optical slot switched networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, April 2016.
[18]B. Ušćumlić, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, Y. Pointurier and M. MorvanPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Capacity Enhanced Receivers for Low Latency Burst Optical Slot Switching Rings", Springer Photonic Network Communications, February 2016.
[17]Y. Pointurier, G. de Valicourt, J.E. Simsarian, J. Gripp and F. VacondioPDF format BibTeX entry 
"High Data Rate Coherent Optical Slot Switched Networks: A Practical and Technological Perspective", IEEE Communications Magazine, August 2015.
[16]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, T. Bonald, Q. Wei and M. LottPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Optical Slot Switching Latency in Mobile Backhaul Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, April 2015.
Invited and peer-reviewed.
[15]G. de Valicourt, G. Levaufre, Y. Pointurier, A. Le Liepvre, J.-C. Antona, C. Jany, A. Accard, F. Lelarge, D. Make and G.-H. DuanPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Direct modulation of hybrid integrated InP/Si transmitters for short and long reach access network", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, April 2015.
Invited and peer-reviewed.
[14]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, T. Bonald and J.-C. AntonaPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Impact of the electronic architecture of optical slot switching nodes on latency in ring networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, August 2014.
[13]Y. Pointurier, B. Ušćumlić, I. Cerutti and J.-C. AntonaPDF format BibTeX entry 
"A comparison of elastic and mixed line rate optical slot switching WDM metro rings", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 1 August 2013.
[12]Y. Pointurier, B. Ušćumlić, I. Cerutti, A. Gravey and J.-C. AntonaPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Dimensioning and energy efficiency of multi-rate metro networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 15 November 2012.
[11]M. Angelou, Y. Pointurier, D. Careglio, S. Spadaro and I. TomkosPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Optimized Monitor Placement for Accurate QoT Assessment in Core Optical Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, January 2012.
[10]S. Azodolmolky, Y. Pointurier, M. Angelou, D. Careglio, J. Solé-Pareta and I. TomkosPDF format BibTeX entry 
"A Novel Impairment Aware RWA Algorithm with Consideration for QoT Estimation Inaccuracy", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, April 2011.
[9]Y. Pointurier, M. Coates and M. RabbatPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Cross-Layer Monitoring in Transparent Optical Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, March 2011.
[8]S. Azodolmolky, J. Perellò, M. Angelou, F. Agraz, L. Velasco, S. Spadaro, Y. Pointurier, A. Francescon, C.V. Saradhi, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos, S. Al Zahr, M. Gagnaire, M. Gunkel, D. Klonidis and I. TomkosPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Experimental Demonstration of an Impairment Aware Networks Planning and Operation Tool for Transparent/Translucent Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, February 2011.
[7]N. Sambo, Y. Pointurier, F. Cugini, L. Valcarenghi, P. Castoldi and I. TomkosPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Lightpath Establishment Assisted by Off-line QoT Estimation in Transparent Optical Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, November 2010.
[6]S. Azodolmolky, M. Klinkowski, Y. Pointurier, M. Angelou, D. Careglio, J. Solé-Pareta and I. TomkosPDF format BibTeX entry 
"A Novel Offline Physical Layer Impairments Aware RWA Algorithm With Dedicated Path Protection Consideration", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, October 2010.
[5]A. Askarian, Y. Zhai, S. Subramaniam, Y. Pointurier and M. Brandt-PearcePDF format BibTeX entry 
"Cross-Layer Approach to Survivable DWDM Network Design", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, June 2010.
[4]Y. Pointurier, M. Brandt-Pearce and S. SubramaniamPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Analysis of Blocking Probability in Noise and Crosstalk Impaired All-Optical Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, November 2009.
[3]P. Pavon-Mariño, S. Azodolmolky, R. Aparicio-Pardo, B. Garcia-Manrubia, Y. Pointurier, M. Angelou, J. Solé Pareta, J. Garcia-Haro and I. TomkosPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Offline Impairment Aware RWA Algorithms for Cross-Layer Planning of Optical Networks", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, June 2009.
[2]Y. Pointurier, M. Brandt-Pearce, Suresh Subramaniam and Bo XuPDF format BibTeX entry 
"Cross-Layer Adaptive Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical Networks", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, August 2008.
[1]Y. Pointurier and M. Brandt-PearcePDF format BibTeX entry 
"Analytical Study of Crosstalk Propagation in All-Optical Networks Using Perturbation Theory", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, December 2005.

Peer-reviewed conferences

[91]X. Yang, C. Sun, R. Ayassi, G. Charlet, M. Tornatore and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Inputs Refinement with Incremental Learning for Accurate Digital Twin of Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 30 March-3 April 2025.
[90]C. Sun, X. Yang, G. Charlet, P.A. Stavrou and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Digital Twin-Enabled Optical Network Channel Power Management by WSS and Booster Auto-Adjustment," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 30 March-3 April 2025.
[89]R. Ayassi, X. Yang, C. Sun, G. Charlet and Y. Pointurier BibTeX entry 
"Filtering Impairments-Aware Digital Twin for SNR Prediction over Network Life-Cycle," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 30 March-3 April 2025.
[88]O. Karandin, F. Musumeci, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatoreBibTeX entry 
"ML-Assisted Traffic Grooming with Low Design Margins ," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 30 March-3 April 2025.
[87]C. Sun, X. Yang, N. di Cicco, R. Ayassi, V.V. Garbhapu, P.A. Stavrou, M. Tornatore, G. Charlet, and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"First Experimental Demonstration of Full Lifecycle Automation of Optical Network through Fine-Tuned LLM and Digital Twin," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Frankfurt, Germany, 22-26 September 2024.
Post-deadline paper.
[86]C. Sun, X. Yang, G. Charlet, P.A. Stavrou and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Digital Twin Enabled Automatic Power Adjustment with Multi-Step Lookahead Prediction," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Frankfurt, Germany, 22-26 September 2024.
Top scored paper.
[85]X. Yang, T. Eldahrawy, C. Sun, A. Lorences-Riesgo, M. Tornatore, G. Charlet and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Integrating PPE and Input Refinement for Enhanced QoT Estimation and Optimization in an Optical Mesh Network," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Frankfurt, Germany, 22-26 September 2024.
[84]R. Ayassi, X. Yang, Y. Pointurier, G. Charlet, Q.T. Nguyen and Y. El HarrazBibTeX entry 
"Field Trial Demonstration of Digital Twin Assisted Network Optimization on a Production Network," Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, Madrid, Spain, 6-9 May 2024.
Best paper award.
[83]R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, R. Martinez, R. Vilalta, J.M. Fabrega and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Provisioning and Restorability in Multi Fiber Optical Networks With/Without Spatial Lane Switching," Proceedings of the International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling, Madrid, Spain, 6-9 May 2024.
[82]O. Karandin, F. Musumeci, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatoreBibTeX entry 
"Throughput Increase in Multi-Fiber Networks Using Partial Lane-Change Capabilities," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 24-28 March 2024.
[81]C. Sun, X. Yang, G. Charlet, P.A. Stavrou and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Digital Twin-Enabled Optical Network Automation: Power Re-Optimization," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 24-28 March 2024.
[80]X. Yang, C. Sun, G. Charlet, M. Tornatore and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Digital Twin-Based Insertion Loss Estimator for Anomalous Loss Localization and Network Equalization Enhancement," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 24-28 March 2024.
[79]C. Sun, X. Yang, G. Charlet, P.A. Stavrou and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Digital Twin-Enabled Service Optimization Sequence of Actions for Power Equalization," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Wuhan, China, 4-7 November 2023.
Best Paper Award in Industry Innovation.
[78]O. Karandin, F. Musumeci, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatoreBibTeX entry 
"ML-Assisted Restoration Planning and Upgrade with Low Design Margins," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, 1-5 October 2023.
[77]C. Sun, X. Yang, G. Charlet and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Experimental Assessment of Joint Impact of Equalization and Link Failure in Meshed Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Glasgow, UK, 1-5 October 2023.
[76]X. Yang, A. Ferrari, N. Morette and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"QoT Estimation Improvement with Inputs Refinement Tool for C+L Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 5-9 March 2023.
[75]O. Karandin, A. Ferrari, F. Musumeci, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatoreBibTeX entry 
"Low-Margin Optical-Network Design with Multiple Physical-Layer Parameter Uncertainties," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, 18-22 September 2022.
Highly scored.
[74]X. Yang, A. Ferrari, N. Morette, D. Le Gac, S. Escobar Landero, G. Charlet, Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Experimental Impact of Power Re-Optimization in a Mesh Network," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Basel, Switzerland, 18-22 September 2022.
Highly scored.
[73]A. Ferrari, V.V. Garbhapu, D. Le Gac, I. Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz, G. Charlet and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Demonstration of AI-Light: an Automation Framework to Optimize the Channel Powers Leveraging a Digital Twin," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 March 2022.
[72]O. Karandin, F. Musumeci, A. Ferrari, G. Charlet, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatoreBibTeX entry 
"Spectrum and Cost Savings from Beyond-100Gbaud Optical Transponders," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 March 2022.
[71]N. Morette and I. Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz, H. Hafermann and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"On the robustness of a ML-based method for QoT tool parameter refinement in partially loaded networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 March 2022.
[70]V.V. Garbhapu, A. Ferrari, I. Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz, D. Le Gac, G. Charlet and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Network-Wide SNR-based Channel Power Optimization," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Bordeaux, France, 13-16 September 2021.
[69]O. Karandin, F. Musumeci, O. Ayoub, A. Ferrari, Y. Pointurier and M. TornatoreBibTeX entry 
"Quantifying Resource Savings from Low-Margin Design in Optical Networks with Probabilistic Constellation Shaping," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Bordeaux, France, 13-16 September 2021.
[68]N. Morette and I. Fernandez de Jauregui Ruiz and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Leveraging ML-Based QoT Tool Parameter Feeding for Accurate WDM Network Performance Prediction," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), virtual, 6-11 June 2021.
[67]E. Seve, J. Pesic and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Accurate QoT Estimation by Means of a Reduction of EDFA Characteristics Uncertainties with Machine Learning," Proceedings of the Optical Network Design and Modeling conference (ONDM), virtual, 18-21 May 2020.
[66]J. Pesic, M. Lonardi, N. Rossi, T. Zami, E. Seve and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"How Uncertainty on the Fiber Span Lengths Influences QoT Estimation Using Machine Learning in WDM Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 8-12 March 2020.
[65]K. Christodoulopoulos, W. Lautenschlaeger, F. Frick, N. Benzaoui, T. Henke, U. Gebhard, L. Dembeck, A. Lechler, Y. Pointurier and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Enabling the Scalability of Industrial Networks by Independent Scheduling Domains," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 8-12 March 2020.
[64]M. Szczerban, J.M. Estarán Tolosa, N. Benzaoui, H. Mardoyan and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Real-Time Node Local Control for Ultra-Dynamic and Deterministic All-Optical Intra Data Center Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 8-12 March 2020.
[63]M. Szczerban, J.M. Estarán Tolosa, N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, H. Mardoyan and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Real-time control for deterministic and dynamic networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 September 2019.
[62]N. Benzaoui, M. Szczerban Gonzalez, M.V. Rivera, J.M. Estarán, H. Mardoyan, W. Lautenschlaeger, U. Gebhard, L. Dembeck, Y. Pointurier and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"DDN: Dynamic Deterministic Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Rome, Italy, 23-27 September 2018.
Postdeadline paper.
[61]E. Seve, C. Delezoide, J. Pesic, F. Boitier, A. Sgambelluri, N. Sambo, A. Giorgetti, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Interactive automated fiber type detection," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Rome, Italy, 23-27 September 2018.
Highly scored demo paper.
[60]E. Seve, C. Delezoide, J. Pesic, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Automated fiber type detection," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Rome, Italy, 23-27 September 2018.
Highly scored paper.
[59]J.M. Estarán, E. Dutisseuil, H. Mardoyan, G. de Valicourt, A. Dupas, Q. Pham Van, D. Verchere, B. Ušćumlić, P. Dong, Y.-K. Chen, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Cloud-BOSS Intra-Data Center Network: on-Demand QoS Guarantees via μs Optical Slot Switching," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Gothenburg, Sweden, 17-21 September 2017.
Highly scored paper.
[58]E. Dutisseuil, B. Ušćumlić, J.M. Estarán Tolosa, H. Mardoyan, Q. Pham Van, M. Dallaglio, A. Dupas and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Traffic management in SDN-enabled optical packet switching intra-datacenter network," Proceedings of the IEEE Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), Singapore, 31 July-4 August 2017.
[57]B. Ušćumlić, J.E. Simsarian, A. Dupas, E. Dutisseuil, G. Aravinthan, T. Zami, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Cost Efficient Network Slicing for Optical Packet Switched Torus Data Centers," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, 21-25 May 2017.
[56]E. Seve, J. Pesic, C. Delezoide and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Learning process for reducing uncertainties on network parameters and design margins," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 19-23 March 2017.
Paper W4F.6, highly scored paper.
[55]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Latency in a 2D torus Burst Optical Slot Switching Data Center," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 19-23 March 2017.
Poster Th2A.33.
[54]K. Christodoulopoulos, P. Soumplis, I. Sartzetakis, M. Quagliotti, A. Di Giglio, A. Pagano, N. Argyris, C. Spatharakis, S. Dris, H. Avramopoulos, J.-C. Antona, C. Delezoide, P. Jennevé, J. Pesic, Y. Pointurier, N. Sambo, F. Cugini, P. Castoldi, G. Bernini, F. Moscatelli, G. Carrozzo, E. VarvarigosBibTeX entry 
"ORCHESTRA - Optical Performance Monitoring Enabling Flexible Networking," Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC), Athens, Greece, 27-30 June 2016.
[53]G. de Valicourt, S. Chandrasekhar, S. Randel, Y.-K. Chen, M.A. Mestre, Y. Pointurier, S. Bigo, J.-M. Fédéli, L. Bramerie, J.-C. Simon, L. Vivien, A. Shen and G.H. DuanBibTeX entry 
"16-channel 100 GHz-spaced Integrated Polarization Diversity Silicon-based Slot-Blocker for High Data Rate Reconfigurable Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Anaheim, CA, USA, 20-24 March 2016.
Poster Th2A.10.
[52]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, T. Bonald, B. Ušćumlić, Q. Wei and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Mobility support in optical slot switching-based next-generation mobile backhaul networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Valencia, Spain, 27 September - 1 October 2015.
Highly scored paper.
[51]G. de Valicourt, S. Chandrasekhar, J.H. Sinsky, C,-M. Chang, Y.K. Chen, M.A. Mestre, Y. Pointurier, S. Bigo, J.-M. Fédéli, L. Bramerie, J.-C. Simon, L. Vivien, A. Shen, A. Le Liepvre and G.H. DuanBibTeX entry 
"Monolithic Integrated Reflective Polarization Diversity SOI-based Slot-Blocker for Fast Reconfigurable 128 Gb/s and 256 Gb/s Optical Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Valencia, Spain, 27 September - 1 October 2015.
Harm Dorren Commemoration Prize and highly scored paper.
[50]Y. Pointurier, B. Ušćumlić, M.A. Mestre, P. Jennevé, H. Mardoyan, A. Dupas and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Green Optical Slot Switching Torus for Mega-Datacenters," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Valencia, Spain, 27 September - 1 October 2015.
[49]I. Popescu, B. Ušćumlić, A. Triki, Y. Pointurier, A. Gravey and P. GraveyBibTeX entry 
"Scalable Routing, Scheduling and Virtualization for TWIN Optical Burst Switching Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), London, UK, 30 June-2 July 2015.
[48]G. de Valicourt, Y. Pointurier, J.-M. Fédéli, L. Bramerie, J.-C. Simon, L. Vivien, E. Cassan, D. Marris-Morini, A. Shen, G.-H. Duan, J.H Sinsky, C.-M. Chang and Y.-K. ChenBibTeX entry 
"Small Form Factor Reflective Integrated Silicon-based Slot-Blocker," Proceedings of the OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and Photonics in Switching (OECC), Shanghai, China, 28 June-2 July 2015.
[47]B. Ušćumlić, Y. Pointurier, A. Gravey, P. Gravey and M. MorvanBibTeX entry 
"Optical Receivers with Multiple Front-Ends for Low Latency Optical Slot Switching Rings," Proceedings of the Optical Network Design and Modeling conference (ONDM), Pisa, Italy, 11-14 May 2015.
[46]B. Ušćumlić, Y. Pointurier, A. Morea and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"On the Cost of Protection in Optical Slot Switching Rings with Elastic Transponders," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 22-26 March 2015.
[45]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, T. Bonald, Q. Wei and M. LottBibTeX entry 
"Optical Slot Switching Latency in Mobile Backhaul Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, France, 21-25 September 2014.
Highly scored paper.
[44]G. de Valicourt, Y. Pointurier, J.-C. Antona, A. Le liepvre, G. Levaufre, A. Accard, F. Lelarge, D. Make and G.H. DuanBibTeX entry 
"A 20 Gbit/s directly modulated hybrid III-V/Si laser tunable over 12 wavelengths for short-reach access network," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, France, 21-25 September 2014.
Highly scored paper.
[43]G. de Valicourt, M.A. Mestre, L. Bramerie, J.-C. Simon, E. Borgne, L. Vivien, E. Cassan, D. Marris-Morini, J.-M. Fédéli, P. Jennevé, H. Mardoyan, Y. Pointurier, A. Le Liepvre, G.H. Duan, A. Shen and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Monolithic Integrated Silicon-based Slot-Blocker for Packet-Switched Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, France, 21-25 September 2014.
Highly scored paper.
[42]M.A. Mestre, G. de Valicourt, P. Jennevé, H. Mardoyan, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Optical Slot Switching-Based Datacenters With Elastic Burst-Mode Coherent Transponders," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Cannes, France, 21-25 September 2014.
[41]I. Popescu, B. Ušćumlić, Y. Pointurier, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, M. MorvanBibTeX entry 
"A cost comparison of survivable subwavelength switching optical metro networks," Proceedings of the International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 26), Karlskrona, Sweden, 9-11 September 2014.
[40]Y. Pointurier, B. Ušćumlić, I. Popescu, A. Gravey, Q. Wei, M. LottBibTeX entry 
"A Comparison of Subwavelength Optical Switching Networks for LTE Mobile Backhauling," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Graz, Autria, 6-10 July 2014.
[39]I. Popescu, B. Ušćumlić,Y. Pointurier, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, M. MorvanBibTeX entry 
"Cost of Protection in Time-Domain Wavelength Interleaved Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), Milan, Italy, 4-6 June 2014.
[38]A. Gravey, B. Ušćumlić,Y. Pointurier, P. Gravey, L. AlahdabBibTeX entry 
"Efficient Resource Allocation in Time-Domain Wavelength Interleaved Networks," Proceedings of the Optical Network Design and Modeling conference (ONDM), Stockholm, Sweden, 19-22 May 2014.
[37]B. Ušćumlić,Y. Pointurier, A. Gravey, P. Gravey, L. AlahdabBibTeX entry 
"Scheduling Aware Dimensioning for Time-Domain Wavelength Interleaved Network," Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Honolulu, HI, USA, 3-6 February 2014.
[36]Q. Wei, Y. Pointurier, J. Bazzi and M. LottBibTeX entry 
"Multicast in Mobile Backhaul with Optical Packet Ring," Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Selected Topics in Wireless and Mobile computing (STWiMob), Lyon, France, 7-9 October 2013.
[35]F. Vacondio, O. Bertran-Pardo, Y. Pointurier, J. Fickers, A. Ghazisaeidi, G. de Valicourt, J.-C. Antona, P. Chanclou and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Flexible TDMA access optical networks enabled by burst-mode software defined coherent transponders," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), London, UK, 22-26 September 2013.
[34]M. Nikolayev, A. Morea, Y. Pointurier and J.-C. AntonaBibTeX entry 
"An Efficient Model for the Multilayer Network Planning of IP-over-WDM Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), London, UK, 22-26 September 2013.
[33]C. Dorize, Y. Pointurier, F. Vacondio, J.-C. Antona and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Adaptive power efficiency for chromatic dispersion compensation," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), London, UK, 22-26 September 2013.
[32]Y. Pointurier and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Combatting dispersion effects in slotted optical rings," Proceedings of the OptoElectronics and Communications Conference and Photonics in Switching (OECC), Kyoto, Japan, 30 June-4 July 2013.
[31]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier and J.-C. AntonaBibTeX entry 
"Electronic architectures of optical slot switching nodes," Proceedings of the Optical Network Design and Modeling conference (ONDM), Brest, France, 16-19 April 2013.
[30]Y. Pointurier and J.-C. AntonaBibTeX entry 
"Dimensioning of elastic optical packet switched metro rings," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Anaheim, CA, USA, 17-21 March 2013.
[29]Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Overlaying rings onto a mesh network," Proceedings of the Optical Network Design and Modeling conference, Colchester, UK, 17-20 April 2012.
[28]Y. Pointurier, B. Ušćumlić, I. Cerutti, A. Gravey and J.-C. AntonaBibTeX entry 
"Dimensioning and energy efficiency of optical metro rings," Proceedings of the Optical Network Design and Modeling conference, Colchester, UK, 17-20 April 2012.
[27]F. Vacondio, O. Rival, Y. Pointurier, C. Simonneau, L. Lorcy, J.-C. Antona and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Coherent Receiver Enabling Data Rate Adaptive Optical Packet Networks," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 September 2011.
[26]M. Angelou, Y. Pointurier, S. Azodolmolky, D. Careglio, S. Spadaro and I. TomkosSlides BibTeX entry 
"A Novel Monitor Placement Algorithm for Accurate Performance Monitoring in Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 6-10 March 2011.
Poster JWA053.
[25]D. Chiaroni, R. Urata, J. Gripp, J.E. Simsarian, G. Austin, S. Etienne, T. Segawa, Y. Pointurier, C. Simonneau, Y. Suzaki, T. Nakahara, M. Thottan, A. Adamiecki, D. Neilson, J.-C. Antona, S. Bigo, R. Takahashi and V. RadoacaBibTeX entry 
"Demonstration of the Interconnection of Two Optical Packet Rings with a Hybrid Optoelectronic Packet Router," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Turin, Italy, 19-23 September 2010.
Postdeadline paper.
[24]N. Sambo, Y. Pointurier, P. Castoldi and I. TomkosBibTeX entry 
"Lightpath establishment in distributed GMPLS-controlled dynamic transparent optical networks using Quality of Transmission estimation," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Munich, Germany, 27 June - 1 July 2010.
[23]F. Agraz, S. Azodolmolky, M. Angelou, J. Perellò, L. Velasco, S. Spadaro, A. Francescon, C.V. Saradhi, Y. Pointurier, P. Kokkinos, E. Varvarigos, M. Gunkel and I. TomkosSlides BibTeX entry 
"Experimental Demonstration of Centralized and Distributed Impairment-Aware Control Plane Schemes for Dynamic Transparent Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 21-25 March 2010.
Postdeadline paper.
[22]S. Azodolmolky, Y. Pointurier, M. Angelou, J. Solé Pareta and I. TomkosSlides BibTeX entry 
"Routing and wavelength assignment for transparent optical networks with QoT estimation inaccuracies," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 21-25 March 2010.
[21]Y. Qin, Y. Pointurier, E. Escalona, S. Azodolmolky, M. Angelou, I. Tomkos, K. Ramantas, K. Vlachos, R. Nejabati and D. SimeonidouSlides BibTeX entry 
"Hardware accelerated impairment aware control plane," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 21-25 March 2010.
[20]N. Sambo, Y. Pointurier, F. Cugini, L. Valcarenghi, P. Castoldi and I. TomkosBibTeX entry 
"Lightpath establishment in distributed transparent dynamic optical networks using network kriging," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Vienna, Austria, 20-24 September 2009.
[19]Daniel Nechay, Y. Pointurier and M. CoatesSlides BibTeX entry 
"Controlling False Alarm/Discovery Rates in Online Internet Traffic Flow Classification," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 19-25 April 2009.
[18]S. Azodolmolky, Y. Pointurier, M. Angelou, J. Solé Pareta and I. TomkosSlides BibTeX entry 
"An Offline Impairment Aware RWA Algorithm with Dedicated Path Protection Consideration," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 24-26 March 2009.
[17]Y. Pointurier, M. Coates and M. RabbatSlides BibTeX entry 
"Active Monitoring of All-Optical Networks," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Athens, Greece, 22-26 June 2008.
Invited and peer-reviewed paper.
[16]A. Askarian, Y. Zhai, S. Subramaniam, Y. Pointurier and M. Brandt-PearceBibTeX entry 
"Protection and Restoration from Link Failures in DWDM Networks: A Cross-Layer Study," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Beijing, China, 19-23 May 2008.
[15]A. Askarian, Y. Zhai, Y. Pointurier, S. Subramaniam and M. Brandt-PearceBibTeX entry 
"QoT-Aware RWA Algorithms for Fast Failure Recovery in All-Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 24-28 February 2008.
[14]J. He, M. Brandt-Pearce, Y. Pointurier and S. SubramaniamSlides BibTeX entry 
"QoT-Aware Routing in Impairment-Constrained Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE Global Communications Conference, 26-30 November 2007, Washington, DC, USA.
[13]M. Coates, Y. Pointurier and M. RabbatSlides BibTeX entry 
"Compressed network monitoring for IP and all-optical networks," Proceedings of the ACM/Usenix Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 23-26 October 2007, San Diego, CA, USA.
[12]Y. Pointurier and F. HeidariSlides BibTeX entry 
"Reinforcement Learning Based Routing in All-Optical Networks with Physical Impairments," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems (Broadnets), Raleigh, NC, USA, 10-14 September 2007.
Invited and peer-reviewed paper.
[11]M. Coates, Y. Pointurier and M. RabbatSlides BibTeX entry 
"Compressed network monitoring," Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing (SSP), Madison, WI, USA, 26-29 August 2007.
[10]Y. Zhai, Y. Pointurier, M. Brandt-Pearce and S. SubramaniamBibTeX entry 
"Performance of Dedicated Path Protection in Transmission-Impaired DWDM Networks ," IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, UK, 24-28 June 2007.
[9]J. He, M. Brandt-Pearce, Y. Pointurier and S. SubramaniamBibTeX entry 
"Adaptive Wavelength Assignment Using Wavelength Spectrum Separation for Distributed Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, UK, 24-28 June 2007.
[8]Y. Pointurier, M. Brandt-Pearce and S. SubramaniamSlides BibTeX entry 
"Analysis of Blocking Probability in Noise and Crosstalk Impaired All-Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Anchorage, AK, USA, 6-12 May 2007.
Short paper.
[7]Y. Zhai, Y. Pointurier, S. Subramaniam and M. Brandt-PearceBibTeX entry 
"QoS-aware RWA algorithms for path-protected DWDM networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Anaheim, CA, USA, 25-29 March 2007.
[6]Y. Pointurier, M. Brandt-Pearce and B. XuSlides BibTeX entry 
"Reduction of crosstalk in WDM networks with Optional coding," Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Optical Communication Systems and Networks (OCSN), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 3-5 July 2006.
[5]Y. Pointurier, M. Brandt-Pearce, T. Deng and S. SubramaniamSlides BibTeX entry 
"Fair QoS-Aware Adaptive Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Istanbul, Turkey, 11-15 June 2006.
Optical Systems and Networks Symposium Best Paper Award.
[4]T. He, B. Blum, Y. Pointurier, C. Lu, J. Stankovic and S. SonBibTeX entry 
"MAC Layer Abstraction for Simulation Scalability Improvements in Large-scale Sensor Networks," Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), Chicago, IL, USA, 31 May-2 June 2006.
[3]Y. Pointurier, M. Brandt-Pearce, T. Deng and S. SubramaniamSlides BibTeX entry 
"Fair Routing and Wavelength Assignment in All-Optical Networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Anaheim, CA, USA, 5-10 March 2006.
[2]Y. Pointurier and M. Brandt-PearceSlides BibTeX entry 
"Study of Crosstalk Propagation in All-Optical Networks using Perturbation Theory," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Gammarth, Tunisia, 11-14 Dec. 2005.
[1]Y. Pointurier and M. Brandt-PearceSlides BibTeX entry 
"Routing and Wavelength Assignment Incorporating the Effects of Crosstalk Enhancement by Fiber Nonlinearity," Proceedings of the Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, USA, 16-18 March 2005.

Book chapters

[4]P. Layec, A. Morea, Y. Pointurier and J.-C. Antona
"Rate-adaptable optical transmission and elastic optical networks," chapter in "Enabling Technologies for High Spectral-efficiency Coherent Optical Communication Networks", May 2016.
Book chapter; ISBN 978-1-118-71476-8 (John Wiley & Sons Inc.)
[3]G. de Valicourt, M.A. Mestre, N. Moroz and Y. Pointurier
"Semiconductor Optical Amplifier for Next Generation of High Data Rate Optical Packet-Switched Networks," chapter in "Some Advanced Functionalities of Optical Amplifiers", December 2015.
Book chapter; ISBN 978-953-51-2237-1 (Intech)
[2]Y. Pointurier and J. He
"Analytical models for QoT-aware RWA performance," chapter in "Cross-Layer Design in Optical Networks", 2013.
Book chapter; ISBN 978-1-4614-5670-4 (Springer).
[1]I. Tomkos, Y. Pointurier, S. Azodolmolky, M. Eiselt, T. Zami, R. Piesiewicz, C.V. Saradhi, M. Gunkel, U. Mahlab, M. Chen, Y. Ye, M. Pickavet, M. Gagnaire, E. Varvarigos, J. Solé Pareta, R. Nejabati, Y. Qin and D. SimeonidouPDF format BibTeX entry 
"DICONET: future generation transparent networking with dynamic impairment awareness," Book chapter, distributed to the attendees of the Future of the Internet Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 11-13 May 2009.
Book chapter.

Other events/publications

"Large-scale AI in Telecom," , January 2025.
White paper.
[27]Y. Pointurier
"The role of digital twins in operator networks," Asian Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Beijing, China, 2-5 November 2024.
Invited talk.
[26]Y. Pointurier
"Digital Twin: The Power Equalization Case," European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Frankfurt, Germany, 22-26 October 2024.
Invited workshop talk.
[25]C. Sun, R. Ayassi, X. Yang, G. Charlet, P.A. Stavrou and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Demonstration of LLM-based AI-Agent for Optical Network Management and Automation," European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Frankfurt, Germany, 22-26 October 2024.
[24]Y. Pointurier
"ML for optical networks - a reality check," Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Madrid, Spain, 6-9 May 2024.
Invited workshop talk.
[23]Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Intelligent Use of Machine Learning for QoT Estimation," Proceedings of the IEEE/Optica Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 6-10 March 2022.
Invited paper.
[22]Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Machine learning-aided quality of transmission (QoT) estimation," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 19-23 July 2020.
Paper We.D2.2. Invited presentation.
[21]L. Dembeck, N. Benzaoui, W. Lautenschlaeger and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Is the Optical Transport Network of 5G Ready for Industry 4.0?," Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 September 2019.
Invited paper.
[20]N. Benzaoui, M. Szczerban Gonzalez, J. M. Estarán, H. Mardoyan, W. Lautenschlaeger, U. Gebhard, L. Dembeck, S. Bigo and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Latency control in Deterministic and Dynamic Networks," Proceedings of the OSA Advanced Photonics Congress (APC), San Francisco, CA, USA, 29 July-1 August 2019.
Invited paper.
[19]J.M. Estarán, Y. Pointurier and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"FSO SpaceComm links and its integration with ground 5G networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, 3-7 March 2019.
Invited paper.
[18]J. Pesic, E. Seve and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Boosting Optical Network Operation with Machine Learning," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference, Hangzhou, China, 26-29 October 2018.
Invited presentation.
[17]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, W. Lautenschlaeger, L. Dembeck and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Challenges and Solutions for End-to-End Time-Sensitive Optical Networking," European Conference on Optical Communication, Rome, Italy, 23-27 September 2018.
Invited presentation.
[16]N. Benzaoui, Y. Pointurier, W. Lautenschlaeger, L. Dembeck and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Optical Slot Switching for edge cloud computing," Photonics in Switching and Computing, Limassol, Cyprus, 19-21 September 2018.
Invited presentation.
[15]Y. Pointurier, N. Benzaoui, W. Lautenschlaeger, U. Gebhard, L. Dembeck and S. BigoBibTeX entry 
"Slot switching for deterministic dynamic edge cloud networks," OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, Zurich, Switzerland, 2-5 July 2018.
Invited presentation.
[14]Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Marginless Optical Networking with Machine Learning," OFC Show Floor talk, San Diego, CA, USA, 11-15 March 2018.
Invited presentation.
[13]Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Traffic engineering in data centers with Cloud-BOSS - Cloud Burst Optical Slot Switching," IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series, San Juan, PR, USA, 10-12 July 2017.
Invited presentation.
[12]N. Benzaoui and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Impact of tunability and blocking fabric on optical slot switching ring performance," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Trento, Italy, 10-14 July 2016.
Invited paper.
[11]Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Design of low-margin optical networks," Proceedings of the IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Anaheim, CA, USA, 20-24 March 2016.
Invited paper.
[10]N. Benzaoui, B. Ušćumlić, Q. Wei, T. Bonald and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Transport mechanisms for mobility support in optical slot switching-based next-generation mobile backhaul networks," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July 2015.
Invited paper.
[9]K. Christodoulopoulos, P. Kokkinos, A. Di Giglio, A. Pagano, N. Argyris, C. Spatharakis, S. Dris, H. Avramopoulos, J.-C. Antona, C. Delezoide, P. Jennevé, J. Pesic, Y. Pointurier, N. Sambo, F. Cugini, P. Castoldi, G. Bernini, G. Carrozzo and E. VarvarigosBibTeX entry 
"ORCHESTRA - Optical performance monitoring enabling flexible networking," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Budapest, Hungary, 5-9 July 2015.
Invited paper.
[8]S. Bigo, B. Ušćumlić and Y. PointurierBibTeX entry 
"Optical Networks for Data Centers, Research challenges and the role of photonics," European Conference on Networks and Communications (EUCNC), Paris, France, 29 June - 2 July 2015.
Panel P3 on Optical Networks - The Key Technology for Enabling the Deployment of Global ICT Across Society.
[7]A. Di Giglio, A. Pagano, K. Christodoulopoulos, P. Kokkinos, N. Argyris, C. Spatharakis, S. Dris, H. Avramopoulos, J.-C. Antona, C. Delezoide, P. Jennevé, J. Pesic, Y. Pointurier, P. Castoldi, N. Sambo, G. Bernini, G. Carrozzo and E. VarvarigosBibTeX entry 
"Cross-layer, dynamic network orchestration, leveraging software-defined optical performance monitors," Proceedings of the Fotonica conference, Turin, Italy, 6-8 May 2015.
Invited paper.
[6]Y. Pointurier, N. Benzaoui, T. Bonald, J.-C. Antona, Q. Wei and M. LottBibTeX entry 
"Performance analysis in a next generation optical mobile backhaul network," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Graz, Austria, 6-10 July 2014.
Invited paper.
[5]D. Chiaroni, Y. Pointurier and J.-C. AntonaBibTeX entry 
"Packet Optical Add/Drop technology for a green metro network," European Conference on Optical Communication, Turin, Italy, 19-23 September 2010.
Workshop presentation.
[4]Y. Pointurier, S. Azodolmolky, M. Angelou and I. TomkosSlides BibTeX entry 
"Issues and Challenges in Physical-Layer Aware Optically Switched Network Design and Operation," Photonics in Switching Conference, Pisa, Italy, 18-20 February 2009.
Invited presentation.
[3]N. Sambo, Y. Pointurier, F. Cugini, P. Castoldi and I. TomkosBibTeX entry 
"Lightpath establishment in PCE-based dynamic transparent optical networks assisted by end-to-end Quality of Transmission estimation," Proceedings of the International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Island of São Miguel, Azores, Portugal, 28 June - 2 July 2009.
Invited paper.
[2]S. Azodolmolky, Y. Pointurier, M. Klinkowski, E. Marin, D. Careglio, J. Solé Pareta, M. Angelou and I. TomkosSlides BibTeX entry 
"On The Offline Physical Layer Impairment Aware RWA Algorithms in Transparent Optical Networks: State-of-the-Art and Beyond," Proceedings of the IEEE/IFIP Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Braunschweig, Germany, 18-20 February 2009.
Invited paper.
[1]Y. Pointurier and M. Brandt-Pearce Slides BibTeX entry 
"Effects of Crosstalk on the Performance and Design of All-Optical Networks with Fiber Nonlinearities," Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Monterey, CA, USA, 7-10 November 2004.
Invited paper.


Cross-Layer Design of All-Optical Networks Incorporating Crosstalk Effects  HTML format PDF format Slides BibTeX entry


Link Failure Recovery for MPLS Networks with Multicasting  [web] HTML format PDF format

Co-authors, number of papers in brackets:

  1. Sébastien Bigo (27)
  2. Gabriel Charlet (19)
  3. Bogdan Ušćumlić (19)
  4. Nihel Benzaoui (17)
  5. Xin Yang (16)
  6. Maïté Brandt-Pearce (16)
  7. Jean-Christophe Antona (14)
  8. Chenyu Sun (12)
  9. Massimo Tornatore (12)
  10. Guilhem de Valicourt (12)
  11. Suresh Subramaniam (12)
  12. Haïk Mardoyan (11)
  13. Ioannis Tomkos (11)
  14. Annie Gravey (10)
  15. Jelena Pesic (10)
  16. Alessio Ferrari (9)
  17. Emmanuel Seve (9)
  18. Jose Manuel Estarán Tolosa (8)
  19. Siamak Azodolmolky (8)
  20. Marianna Angelou (8)
  21. Gang-Hua Duan (7)
  22. Philippe Gravey (7)
  23. Camille Delezoide (7)
  24. Nicola Sambo (7)
  25. Oleg Karandin (7)
  26. Francesco Musumeci (7)
  27. Young-Kai Chen (6)
  28. Qing Wei (6)
  29. Miquel Mestre (6)
  30. Photios Stavrou (6)
  31. Reda Ayassi (5)
  32. Nathalie Morette (5)
  33. Wolfram Lautenschlaeger (5)
  34. Lars Dembeck (5)
  35. Mijail Szczerban Gonzalez (5)
  36. Arnaud Dupas (5)
  37. Jean-Marc Fédéli (5)
  38. Laurent Bramerie (5)
  39. Jean-Claude Simon (5)
  40. Laurent Vivien (5)
  41. Alexandre Shen (5)
  42. Thomas Bonald (5)
  43. Mark Coates (5)
  44. Yuxiang Zhai (5)
  45. Ivan Fernanddez de Jauregui Ruiz (4)
  46. Dylan Le Gac (4)
  47. Ulrich Gebhard (4)
  48. Eric Dutisseuil (4)
  49. Philippe Jennevé (4)
  50. Piero Castoldi (4)
  51. Michel Morvan (4)
  52. Francesco Vacondio (4)
  53. Ion Popescu (4)
  54. Matthias Lott (4)
  55. Alban Le Liepvre (4)
  56. Josep Solé Pareta (4)
  57. Michael Rabbat (4)
  58. Virajit Venkata Garbhapu (3)
  59. Quan Pham Van (3)
  60. Jesse E. Simsarian (3)
  61. Filipo Cugini (3)
  62. Emmanouel Varvarigos (3)
  63. Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar (3)
  64. Delphine Marris-Morini (3)
  65. Chia-Ming Chang (3)
  66. Isabella Cerutti (3)
  67. Salvatore Spadaro (3)
  68. Davide Careglio (3)
  69. Amir Askarian (3)
  70. Hartmut Hafermann (2)
  71. Thierry Zami (2)
  72. Kostas Christodoulopoulos (2)
  73. Maria V. Rivera (2)
  74. Philippe Chanclou (2)
  75. Andrea Sgambelluri (2)
  76. Alessio Giorgetti (2)
  77. Dominique Verchere (2)
  78. Po Dong (2)
  79. Sebastian Randel (2)
  80. Eric Borgne (2)
  81. Jürgen Gripp (2)
  82. Jeffrey H. Sinsky (2)
  83. Eric Cassan (2)
  84. Annalisa Morea (2)
  85. Luay Alahdab (2)
  86. Christian Simonneau (2)
  87. Luca Valcarenghi (2)
  88. Tao Deng (2)
  89. Bo Xu (2)
  90. Jun He (2)
  91. Matthias Gunkel (2)
  92. Panagiotis Kokkinos (2)
  93. Chava Saradhi (2)
  94. Antonio Francescon (2)
  95. Luis Velasco (2)
  96. Jordi Perellò (2)
  97. Fernando Agraz (2)
  98. Guillaume Levaufre (2)
  99. Alain Accard (2)
  100. François Lelarge (2)
  101. Dalila Make (2)
  102. Nicola di Cicco (1)
  103. Tarek Eldahrawy (1)
  104. Quoc Thai Nguyen (1)
  105. Yassine El Harraz (1)
  106. Ramon Casellas (1)
  107. Raul Muñoz (1)
  108. Ricard Martinez (1)
  109. Ricard Vilalta (1)
  110. Josep M. Fabrega (1)
  111. Yann Frignac (1)
  112. Salma Escobar Landero (1)
  113. Omran Ayoub (1)
  114. Achour Ouslimani (1)
  115. Abed-Elhak Kasbari (1)
  116. Matteo Lonardi (1)
  117. Nicola Rossi (1)
  118. Florian Frick (1)
  119. Torben Henke (1)
  120. Armin Lechler (1)
  121. Philippe Sehier (1)
  122. David Chen (1)
  123. Kimmo Kettunen (1)
  124. Mike Lemke (1)
  125. Pascal Dom (1)
  126. Fabien Boitier (1)
  127. Matteo Dallaglio (1)
  128. Gopalasingham Aravinthan (1)
  129. Fred Buchali (1)
  130. Roman Dischler (1)
  131. Bernd Franz (1)
  132. Jens Milbrandt (1)
  133. Detlev Roesener (1)
  134. Laurent Schmalen (1)
  135. Andreas Leven (1)
  136. Polyzois Soumplis (1)
  137. Ippokratis Sartzetakis (1)
  138. Marco Quagliotti (1)
  139. Andrea Di Giglio (1)
  140. Annachiara Pagano (1)
  141. Nikolaos Argyris (1)
  142. Christos Spatharakis (1)
  143. Stefanos Dris (1)
  144. Hercules Avramopoulos (1)
  145. Giacomo Bernini (1)
  146. F. Moscatelli (1)
  147. Gino Carrozzo (1)
  148. Karen Ribaud (1)
  149. Ines Ghorbel(1)
  150. Ahmed Triki (1)
  151. Christophe Jany (1)
  152. Jamal Bazzi (1)
  153. Christian Dorize (1)
  154. Maksym Nikolayev (1)
  155. Oriol Bertran-Pardo (1)
  156. Jessica Fickers (1)
  157. Amir Ghazisaeidi (1)
  158. Olivier Rival (1)
  159. Laurence Lorcy (1)
  160. Sawsan Al Zahr (1)
  161. Maurice Gagnaire (1)
  162. Dominique Chiaroni (1)
  163. Ryohei Urata (1)
  164. Gary Austin (1)
  165. Sophie Etienne (1)
  166. Toru Segawa (1)
  167. Yasumasa Suzaki (1)
  168. Tatsushi Nakahara (1)
  169. Marina Thottan (1)
  170. Andrew Adamiecki (1)
  171. David Neilson (1)
  172. Ryo Takahashi (1)
  173. Vasile Radoaca (1)
  174. Mirek Klinkowski (1)
  175. Yixuan Qin (1)
  176. Eduard Escalona (1)
  177. Kostas Ramantas (1)
  178. Kyriakos Vlachos (1)
  179. Reza Nejabati (1)
  180. Dimitra Simeonidou (1)
  181. Joan Garcia-Haro (1)
  182. Ramon Aparicio-Pardo (1)
  183. Belen Garcia-Manrubia (1)
  184. Pablo Pavon-Mariño (1)
  185. Daniel Nechay (1)
  186. Fariba Heidari (1)
  187. Sang Son (1)
  188. John Stankovic (1)
  189. Chenyang Lu (1)
  190. Brian Blum (1)
  191. Tian He (1)


  • Maïté Brandt-Pearce, Rice, 1993
  • Behnaam Aazhang, UIUC, 1986
  • Harold Vincent Poor, Princeton, 1977
  • John Bowman Thomas, Stanford, 1955
  • Willis W. Harmon, Stanford, 1948
  • Karl Ralph Spangenberg, Ohio State, 1937
  • William Littell Everitt, Ohio State, 1933
  • Frederick Columbus Blake, Columbia, 1906
  • Ernest Fox Nichols, Cornell, 1897
  • Edward Learnington Nichols, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 1879
  • Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von Helmholtz, Universität Berlin, 1842
  • Johannes Peter Müller, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, 1822
  • Karl Asmund Rudolphi, Universität Greifswald, 1795
  • Christian von Weigel, Universität Greifswald, 1771
  • Johann Erxleben, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 1767
  • Abraham Kästner, Universität Leipzig, 1739
  • Christian Hausen, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 1713
  • Johann Andreas Planer, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 1709
  • Rudolf Jakob Camerarius, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 1686
  • Elias Rudolf Camerarius, Sr., Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 1663
  • Georg Balthasar Metzger, Universität Basel, 1650
  • Emmanuel Stupanus, Universität Basel, 1613
  • Petrus Ryff, Universität Basel, 1584
  • Theodor Zwinger, Collè de France / Università di Padova, 1559
  • Gabriele Falloppio, Università di Padova / Università degli Studi di Ferrara, 1547
  • Matteo Realdo (Renaldus Columbus) Colombo, Università di Padova, 1544
  • Andreas (Andries van Wesel) Vesalius, Université Catholique de Louvain / Università di Padova, 1537
  • Gemma (Jemme Reinerszoon) Frisius, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1536
  • Petrus (Pieter de Corte) Curtius, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1530
  • Maarten (Martinus Dorpius) van Dorp, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1515
  • Leo Outers, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1485

Sources: The Mathematics Genealogy Project, Wikipedia.

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